Thursday, May 5, 2011

How our family likes to spend Wednesday nights.....

We love the lake. Cant keep us away from it! Its the most sanity we can gather in 3 months to help us survive the other 9 months in a calendar year. Even being nine months pregnant cant keep me away from the lake!

So we had an idea. It was suppose to be very simple: take a short drive to Keystone lake, enjoy a nice calm boat ride, come home and go to bed. Maybe it was divine intervention that we never made it. Perhaps the lake was full of man eating catfish that were espceially sensitive to pregnancy hormones. Whatever the reasoning, it had to have been a big enough deal to compensate for the next few hour's worth of events.

"Mom, where are we going? Are we going on the boat? Im hungry. Mom, can i have a drink. Hey look, mom a green tree! Mom.... Mom?...."  Instead of the radio, that was playing in the background the whole night. So every other sentence or two of the story, please remember to add that in there to fully appreciate the mood.

Loaded up and headed out at 5:15 P.M.  Not as soon as i'd have liked but hey, we're on the road. Three miles later cut to Shawn exclaiming he forgot the trailer light wires. (There is an actual terminology for it just not sure what it is!). We make a quick stop at Napa Auto and head to a gas station to fuel the truck, boat, and our kid's hungry bellies. We merge onto the Broken Arrow Expressway with kids quietly eating their dinners in the backseat and mom and dad just enjoying the silence in the front seat. We made it, oh, 5 miles and then came to a complete stop. As far as you could see, there were cars...just sittin'...... waiting on the flashing blue and red lights WAY up ahead to clear off the road so we could proceed with our travel....
.... Kids finish their meals two minutes later so go ahead and cue the constant chatter. It starts right here and continues til 9 P.M.

20 minutes later we finally get going... and continue going.... until a few miles outside Sand Springs were we suddenly lose the tread off our trailer tire. Somehow, we manage to pull over without being hit head on by a semi or old lady swerving to miss the tire tread and come to a stop on the shoulder. After further inspection, Shawn confirms the tread is no longer with us and we say a few Hail Mary's to the lost tread and putter on down the shoulder to the next exit. 10 minutes later we pull into the Sand Springs WalMart Tire Center just assured that we have only experienced a minor set back but WalMart would save us....but they did not. Their tire machine was down. So here we are, in Sand Springs...the time is now 6:30 P.M. The crime rate is slowly starting to increase the closer to nightfall we get and we are just sitting in a parking lot, very frustrated and very unsure of what to do. All we can do is to take back roads all the way to the nearest WalMart in Tulsa which was the one on Pine and Admiral. :) and we have til 8 PM to make it there before they close. Did i mention that nobody is open past 6 PM in the tire industry and that the crime rate was steadily increasing by the minute? No? Well its true.
(You are remembering to keep the background noise on repeat through this, right? Because it was ever so repeating.)

Cut to an hour and a half later, we are still driving down the road.... Waved goodbye to Sand Springs, Downtown Tulsa, and are now entering far, far North Tulsa. The kids are waving at all the nice folks out walking their pit bulls at sunset. Lindsey even comments on the nice old man sitting on the corner with his sign in his lap. She asked if he would want to use her markers. I told her that it was not nice to offer markers to men with signs on street corners and I would explain when she was older.....  *sigh.

I think you get the idea of how the night turned out. We never saw lake water, never felt the sunshine on our faces except through the windshield, and never truly had silence after their Happy Meals were consumed.... BUT we did get another good story in the books and one day, when we're old and senile, our kids will say, "Hey Mom, do you remember when you were 9 months pregnant and we just loaded up and drove around the ghetto all night?"

 Making memories one misadventure at a time.  :)